IMPORTANT: If you suspect your pool has a leak, please close the skimmer so the pump does not suck air and potentially cause any damage. Turning of the pump/breaker or putting the automation in "service" mode also works.
To close a skimmer, the OFF tab on the diverter valve should be in line with the skimmer line (as shown in this picture). If your lines are not labeled, simply turn the suction valve (on the front/lower side of the pump) off to one side and feel if there is suction in the skimmer. If the valve is closed to the skimmer properly, there will be no suction and all the suction will be coming from the main drain and/or vacuum line.
STEP 1- Turn your pump off or put the system in service mode. We always recommend this because it removes a few factors that are easier to eliminate by just turning the system off for the intial measurement.
STEP 2- Make a mark or take a picture of the water level in the pool and if applicable the hot tub as well with a tile reference or piece of tape to accurately mark the level.
STEP 3- Wait 24 hours and make a second mark where the water level has dropped. Up to 1/4" is the normal amount due to evaporation. USE A RULER/MEASURING TAPE. Water refracts light so 2" of tile underwater may look like a half inch which can greatly skew a measurement. Always use a measurement device. It is hard if not impossible to eyeball fractions of an inch; using a ruler or measuring tape is imperative.
STEP 4- You may want to repeat the test with the pump running. It is important to close the skimmer (if possible) so that the pump will not suck air and potentially cause damage.
STEP 5- You may want to contact a leak professional at this point, but you may also want to continue troubleshooting so we would suggest allowing the water level to continue dropping to see if it reaches a point where it equalizes. Often the water level will drop to the skimmer and then stop or it may have no effect and continue dropping. It is VERY IMPORTANT to not allow your pool to fully drain. The weight of the water inside the pool is what holds it firmly in place- we have a high water table in Florida and buoyant forces underground will float a pool shell if a pool is allowed to empty. This will create a massive repair project if the pool can even be salvaged.